DHB Biblioteca

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Tipología Documental que es conformada por documentos de producción no periódica y/o seriada que tratan un tema específico y que son presentados como requisito para optar a un título en estudios de Maestría.



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  • PublicaciónRestringido
    Estudio fitoquímico de la especie Ipomoea hederifolia (Batatilla Roja)
    (2015-05-07) Charry Sánchez, Paula Andrea; Universidad del Quindío - Colombia – Director - Jhon Fredy Castañeda Gómez
    Ipomoea hederifolia (Scarlet Morning Glory) is a typical vine of Quindio, known for its great invasive potential to coffee plantations; in the same way it has been found as a regulator of growth in some plantations (cotton and peanuts).
  • PublicaciónRestringido
    Determinación cuantitativa y análisis de cadmio presente en chocolate colombiano con alto contenido de cacao
    (2015-03-04) Echeverry Aranda, Alejandra; Universidad del Quindío - Colombia - Director - Henry Reyes Pineda Ph. D.; Universidad del Quindío - Colombia – Director - Adilson Ben Da Costa Ph. D., Universidad de Santa Cruz del Sur
    El presente proyecto de investigación se desarrolló en tres capítulos para dar cumplimento al objetivo general el cual fue determinar de forma cualitativa y cuantitativa la presencia de cadmio en un chocolate de origen nacional con alto contenido de cacao (Theobroma cacao). En el primer capítulo se determinó la concentración de cadmio presente en el chocolate nacional y se comparó con otros chocolates extranjeros de similares características. Se puedo comprobar que este tipo de chocolate si presenta trazas del metal y que los valores obtenidos fueron confiables para realizar análisis cualitativos y cuantitativos ya que superaron los respectivos límites de detección y cuantificación.
  • PublicaciónRestringido
    Biodegradación de aceites lubricantes en residuos lignocelulosicos por Pleurotus ostreatus
    (2013-09-20) Rocha Garzón, Nelson; Universidad del Quindío- Colombia – Director - Pedro Nel Martínez Yepes Ph.D
    The biorremedicíon is a tool to mitigate the environmental impact caused by multiple toxic substances present in many ecosystems, this product has been achieved previously biorestoration natural environments contaminated by the elimination, mitigation or transformation of these compounds [1, 2]. This technique taking advantage of the metabolic capacity of microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, yeasts and algae) to lighten the natural biodegradation processes. In this study we evaluated the invasion of Pleurotus ostreatus better when residual oil is added to 5, 10 and 15% on PDA medium, also determined the residual oil biodegradation lignocellulosic substrates by the action of this fungus, and fungus grown on substrate mix-oil and oil-bamboo fungus which determined the chemical composition analysis of mushrooms, biological efficiency, presence of metals and evaluation of microbial and antioxidant activity of the ethanol extracts. The main results indicate that the mycelium has better growth when 5% residual oil used in PDA medium, this fungus also has the ability to biodegrade the hydrocarbons present in the oil, oil mixture presenting the café with the best performance in invasion of the substrate mycelium and remove achieving a 33,46 % oil present in the substrate, this product was obtained in a higher biological efficiency 37,19% in a period of 41 days with respect to the other mixed substrate. Also presented a low biological activity of the extracts used being the most representative CA extract with an LD50 of 760,03 mg / mL, and fungal activity present at a concentration of 10000 ppm. Also this same extract was that presented the best antioxidant activity against DPPH and ABTS methods. As demonstrated the feasibility of composting as a tool in the disposal of hazardous waste.